YouTube is foremost the best platform that connects billions of users from around the world with millions of YouTubers through billions of video content. YouTube Promotions is the Only way to Get Success on this video sharing platform.
YouTube is the place where people search for answers, clarify doubts, learn new tips on something they would want to, acquire new skills probably cooking, painting, sketching or maybe DIY things.
Apart from social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter,

YouTube is another huge platform that allows sharing of information and feelings through videos and millions of comments in the comment section.
Initially, it was all about creating videos and uploading them to share information and gain a subscriber base.
However, in the current era, YouTube turns out to be one of the biggest marketplaces that facilitate billions of product and service sales through video promotion and advertisements embedded in each YouTube video.
It is how Youtubers with millions of subscribers can generate such a lucrative income through this product and service promotions they make through their video.
The more people watch their video, the more leads they create for a specific product or service they embed in the video.
It can be a very basic advertisement that you can skip in 5 seconds to some major marketing of products that they talk about in the video.
So, if you own a dull YouTube channel with zero subscribers or even if you are planning to create a YouTube channel, these [ 8 Secrets Tips ] to Promote YouTube Videos – It’s Easy If You Do It Smart! will help you connect to people around the world and generate more significant reach to gain tons of subscribers.
YouTube SEO
1 Create and Use a Custom Thumbnail
Custom thumbnails are one of the most critical factors that influence the number of people clicking and watching your video
Well, of course, it is quite challenging to design your thumbnail unless if you are a graphic designer or something.
![[ 7 New Trends ] to Promote Your YouTube Video Gain YouTube Subscriber Quickly](
Here are some quick tips on customizing thumbnails for your videos.
First is creating a custom thumbnail by screenshot a frame from your video which you think is interesting to see, or maybe funny or even scary to develop curiosity.
Second, you have to take some intentional photographs while you shoot your video to use it as a thumbnail.
You can use your smartphone camera or DSLR if you wish to be more professional.
Take some exciting or sensitive photos that need to create a curiosity to the viewer so that they will click on your video to know more.
2 Choose an appropriate title
Make sure to have a fitting title for better video promotion that will reach many.
Just like a sticky introduction of an article that keeps the reader continues reading, the title of your video must have a hook and attract the viewers to click and watch your video.

Use keywords and create a sense of hurry or focus on importance.
For instance, a video with the title “How to Lose Weight” will probably get a lesser view compared to a video that has a title like- ” 5 Easy and quick ways to lose weight in 1 month.”
3 Don’t forget to Tag your Video and Use Keywords
Just like any other search engines; YouTube uses the keywords that have been tagged in the video to generate a search result when the user enters a specific tag or keyword.
So, it is essential to put in as many related tags as possible to get YouTube to recognize your video fast and show your video on the initial page.
4 Have a clean channel
The organization makes everything look much better and cleaner.
Organize your videos based on their contents and create playlists for each category and label each playlist with a suitable title.
It will allow both YouTube and viewers to find your content quickly.
5 Improve your channel to appear more professional
Use a professionally designed logo or a clear profile photo rather than a Google picture. Use an elite, creative and high-resolution image for channel art.
Don’t make it too pale or too dark. Make sure your channel has two shaded of color to make it more appealing.
A professional profile page for your channel is crucial to reach an outstanding YouTube promotion.
6 Good descriptions is the key
Write a clear and uncluttered description for your video. Make sure to highlight the keywords and avoid using high-sounding words.
Videos with a description that is easier to understand stands out to get more views than the unorganized, jargoned ones.
People usually read your stories to get an overview so write it as an overview.
Next, make sure to provide more help to the viewers through your description.
Linking other related sites or even videos will increase the chance of a person to watch your videos regularly. Create a quality with your content.
7 Use End Screen
Pushing people to watch on your next video by using an end screen is one of the easiest freeways of organic YouTube video promotion.
End screen is the last frame of your YouTube video where you got to link your next video which can be related or unrelated to the current video.
It leads people to watch more of your videos from that one single video. However, YouTube has now removed that function. Hence, you have to edit and add the end screens from the existing videos into the new ones.
Promote With Other Platform
#1 Embed your video in a Blog post
“Blog” is another active platform which people use to drive Traffic and promote various products and services. It is called marketing through writing.
Embed your YouTube video in your blog post which will influence more people to visit your channel and watch your video.

It is a simple way of converting the traffic that you have at Blog to your YouTube video.
If you are not an academic person, commenting on popular blog posts and linking your video will draw a stable number of people to your channel as well.
2 Promote through social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram)
It doesn’t mean that you have to write a post about your channel in your profile and share it with your friends.
For this method, you need to join as many groups as possible in Facebook and if in Instagram create a page with a topic that is relevant to your YouTube channel.
Next, you need to create snippets and post them on your site and different Facebook groups. A snippet is like a sneak peek of your video.
Post an interesting bit from your video and link your video below. You can use Twitter and apply the same method to attract more people.
Trust me; it will double up the number of viewers in a split of a second.
3 Sharing your video with friends and relevant client
Another freeway for YouTube promotion is to share it with people you know. Ask your friends to share and send to their list of friends. This is how you make your video trending with a high number of viewers.
Using Paid YouTube Promotion
Another powerful and fastest way to get some eyeballs on your video is to use paid promotions.
Paid YouTube promotions are good and efficient where you pay certain websites to run an ad campaign before your video, or alongside the video to promote your channel.
They are thousands of platforms that run paid promotion services.
However, among all, you can opt for since they are very much trustable and competent in providing video promotions by running ad campaigns on YouTube via Google Ads.
With you can bring your creativity to millions of people in seconds. makes YouTube promotion as simple as signing up for running paid Ad promotions, stating the target audience of your video, and letting the rest to the Award-winning experts to take care.
Hundreds of successful YouTubers have used to create such a reach.
Because, in VidOrange, they concern and work for the growth of the channel as a whole rather than just focusing on achieving targeted views.
Moreover, they provide your video to the target audience and generate organic visitors. There are very efficient and result oriented, so you will always get notified on the progress of your YouTube promotion from real-time screenshots. solves all your sorrows of having zero subscribers and scattering views.
In short, every YouTuber wants to see at least a small number of views for their video after all that exhaustive video making and editing work.
I hope that using the ten easy and fast ways you will be able to do better YouTube video promotion and gain millions of subscribers.
Another idea is when Yann van der Cruyssen founded the Petit Tube platform in 2011 which plays videos that have the Fewest Number of Views and allows visitors to vote on whether they liked the videos or not.